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Planners As Broadband Champions
September 16, 2014 - September 18, 2014
Workshop Facilitated by: Kathleen McMahon, AICP, APA Technology Division – Chair
Register Now! Only $95. Includes complimentary registration for Economic Summit on Sept. 17 & 18. http://www.bbcmag.com/springfield/index.html
Welcome/Introductions/Overview (Kathleen McMahon)
Planners Roles in Planning for Broadband Infrastructure (Tim Brennan, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission & Linda Dunlavy, Franklin Regional Council of Governments)
Incorporating Broadband Policies into Planning Documents (Kate McMahon, AICP) Facilitate Investment in Broadband Infrastructure with policies for Comprehensive Plans, TIF Districts, Downtown Revitalization Plans, Economic Development Districts and Capital Improvement Plans
Case Studies – Planners as Broadband Champions. (Eric Frederic, Connect, MI and Drew Clark, Connect Illinois) Overview of communities where planners have taken a key role in planning for broadband networks.
Broadband Planning Processes – (Kate McMahon, AICP) Review the planning process and different models for broadband deployment so planners can better participate in these discussions. Case studies and information sharing from participants will describe local experience with broadband planning processes. Community Broadband Networks – What are they & Why Planners Should be Involved.
Digital Divide and Broadband Adoption – (Kate McMahon, AICP) Investments in broadband networks are most successful when they are accompanied by strategies that promote broadband adoption. Such efforts should target as income levels and segments of the population so no one is left behind. Find out what strategies local governments have undertaken to address digital divide and broadband adoption.
Code and Regulatory Considerations for Broadband (Andrew Cohill) This session will cover zoning, subdivision and right-of-way ordinances. It will include examples of code language to support broadband improvements such as requirements for conduit or fiber as part of new road construction and including broadband costs as part of impact fees. The zoning implications of the new economy such as telecommuting, home offices and wireless facilities will be reviewed.
Facilitated Discussion – How to Engage the Planning Profession (All panelist & attendees)
Events in blue are provided by other groups we’ve been asked to share with our membership.
Events in green are for topics regarding hazard mitigation and recovery planning.