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(Webinar) The Comprehensive Planner: Taking a Systems Perspective
April 14, 2017 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Steve Whitman and Chris Parker will explore the many problems facing communities of all sizes, and the underlying issue of ecosystem services. They will explore how thinking holistically and using a systems perspective can provide a new way forward for communities. While planning documents may take a systems perspective, land use regulations seldom do. This integrated approach provides for the regeneration of lost ecosystem services, and the resulting projects will help your community become more adaptive and resilient over time. Case study examples will be shared to highlight how to apply this approach, and to serve as a call to action so more planners become part of this collaborative effort.
Events in orange are programs sponsored or co-sponsored by APA-NJ.
Events in blue are provided by other groups we’ve been asked to share with our membership.
Events in green are for topics regarding hazard mitigation and recovery planning.
Events in blue are provided by other groups we’ve been asked to share with our membership.
Events in green are for topics regarding hazard mitigation and recovery planning.