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NJDEP Case Study Training for LSRPs
January 22, 2014 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
This interactive one-day workshop will engage Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs) and other environmental professionals to work through a typical Site Remediation Program (SRP) Case starting with an ISRA triggering event, through all the phases of remediation (PA/SI/RI and RA), including applying for and implementing a remedial action permit and culminating in the issuance of an RAO. The participants will use the various tools, guidance and resources provided by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to ensure all forms, and documents are properly prepared and submitted within the applicable timeframes established in ARRCS and the Tech Rules.
The October 22, 2013 offering of this course was approved for the following credits.
Rutgers Continuing Education Units: 0.7 CEUs
One continuing education unit (CEU) is defined as ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience. If a professional organization of which you are a member grants continuing education units, please consult the organization to determine the number of CEU’s awarded.
NJ Health Officers & Registered Environmental Health Specialists: Rutgers University, NJAES, Office of Continuing Professional Education has been approved by the NJ Department of Health as a provider of NJ Public Health Continuing Education Contact Hours (CEs). Participants who complete this education program will be awarded 6 NJ Public Health Continuing Education Contact Hours (CEs). (Please sign REHS roster)
NJ Licensed Water & Wastewater Operators (ALL Licenses 01-031302-30): 6 TCHs (Please sign both AM & PM Water/Wastewater Operators roster)
NJ Certified Public Works Managers: 6 Government (Please sign CPWM roster)
PA/NY Continuing Legal Education: 6.0 CLE Units (Please take PA CLE Credit Request Form)
*Based on New York’s Approved Jurisdiction Policy, attorneys who attend out-of-state courses that have been accredited by a NY Approval Jurisdiction may apply CLE credits earned towards their NY continuing legal education requirement. Pennsylvania (which is an approved jurisdiction) has granted this program 6.0 contact hours which you may apply towards your NY continuing legal education requirement.
NJ Continuing Legal Education: 7.8 CLEs (Please sign NJ CLE roster)
NJ LSRP: 7 Regulatory CECs This course will satisfy the pre-requisite course requirement in order to take the LSRP Licensing Exam OR will qualify for 7 Regulatory Continuing Education Credits. It will not count for both. (Please sign NJ LSRP roster)
NJ Professional Engineers: 7 Credits (Please sign NJPE roster)
Events in blue are provided by other groups we’ve been asked to share with our membership.
Events in green are for topics regarding hazard mitigation and recovery planning.