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Health Impact Assessment in New Jersey

May 7, 2015 @ 8:15 am - 4:00 pm

Building Capacity to Advance Healthier Decisions.  An inaugural workshop by the New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative, facilitated by Rutgers University.

The New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative (NJHIC), a collaboration of Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), is hosting a statewide conference on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on May 7, 2015 at the Cook Campus Center at Rutgers University. 

The conference, Health Impact Assessment in New Jersey: Building Capacity to Advance Healthier Decisions, is designed to provide participants with an introduction to the practice of Health Impact Assessment (HIA). The conference will increase awareness about how HIA can be used in New Jersey to identify potential health outcomes of decisions such as state and local policies, community design, development and infrastructure investment, and economic development.

Leading HIA experts from outside New Jersey as well as practitioners from within New Jersey will participate in the conference as part of NJHIC’s ongoing efforts to increase the use of high quality HIAs to improve health outcomes of decision-making in New Jersey. 

Dr. Richard J Jackson, MD MPH, a professor at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health and an international leader on healthy communities, will discuss the influence of social factors on health in the morning keynote. A pediatrician, he has served in many leadership positions in both environmental health and infectious disease with the California Health Department, including the highest as the State Health Officer. 

Local government volunteers and professional staff (public health, planners, environmental commissions, engineers); state and local agency staff that oversee decisions affecting the physical and built environment; consulting planners, architects and engineers; state, municipal and county elected officials; and business leaders are encouraged to attend this important event. Continuing education credits will be available. Cost of the conference is $50 per person for early bird registration, $65 thereafter. For a complete agenda, including panel topics and speakers, visit http://njhic.rutgers.edu/conference2015/.

Corporate sponsorships are available, which include recognition and preferred seating at the event. Visit http://njhic.rutgers.edu/conference2015/ or Meera Ananth at meera.ananth@rutgers.edu or (848) 445-4615. A portion of each sponsorship is tax deductible for charitable purposes as per IRS guidelines. 

For more information on the conference, please contact (848) 932-2725.

APA CM Credits Pending


May 7, 2015
8:15 am - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


NJ Health Impact Collaborative


Cook Campus Center
59 Biel Rd
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 United States
+ Google Map
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