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Designing Downtown NOW: Real Tactics and Tools to Enhance Your Businesses and Districts (CM | 3.75)
July 25, 2012
APA Member Discount Code (10% off): APA-NJDRMI2012
At the 2012 National Main Street Conference in Baltimore, one of the highest-rated sessions that was so completely overfilled they had to literally bar the doors was Give your District New Life in Two Days for Less than $2,000.
Well, we’ve taken that session and its presenters and expanded it for New Jersey in New Jersey at the upcoming DRMI in Atlantic City on July 25.
The APA-NJ is a key promotional partner for the event and as such 3.75 AICP CM Credits are offered for full day attendance.
Again, this DRMI is all about making change happen NOW(!) as in over the next 3-12 months, not making plans to do things later. It’s about doing things that may need some coordination and effort, but not a ton of money. It’s about tangible and the visible changes for both your storefronts and merchandising and the district itself. You and your firma and organizations should receive a lot of great take-away’s from the entire day (including lunch), but any business and property owners you engage with should absolutely come for the morning session to walk out with actionable, effective and affordable ideas for improving their storefronts, inside and out!
And since it’s in Atlantic City, you always have the option to “Do AC” either the evening before or after or both, depending on how you want to approach things. We hope to have a hotel deal through MSAC out to you shortly…stay tuned for that! Please share this with your organizations, stakeholders and partners. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Events in blue are provided by other groups we’ve been asked to share with our membership.
Events in green are for topics regarding hazard mitigation and recovery planning.