Jim Hess has been a transportation / land use planner since 1994, and he currently is a project manager for a leading transportation planning and engineering consulting firm.
He has experience in a wide range of transportation and land use planning and policy studies at the state, regional, and local levels. He has managed or participated in several major regional planning projects in New Jersey, including the Route 1 Regional Growth Strategy, the Meadowlands District Transportation Plan, and the Atlantic City Regional Transportation Plan.
His background also includes working for a non-profit regional planning organization. During this time, he led work on developing a new GIS-based program that calculates zoning build-out and associated development impacts for alternative scenarios.
Jim has special interest and expertise in analyzing land use and development patterns, assessing their impact upon transportation and other infrastructure and environmental systems, and developing appropriate solutions for key system needs. He has made several conference presentations relating to the benefits of center-based development and, most recently, has been involved in preparing presentations on the prospects for Transit-Oriented Development.
He received his undergraduate degree in Economics and Politics from Washington & Lee University, a master’s degree in Geography from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, and a master’s degree in City Planning from the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.
James Hess, PP, AICP
AECOM 516 East State Street Trenton, NJ 08609