Community Planning Assistance Program

Message from Tom Schulze, CPAP Coordinator

Welcome and thank you for your interest in APA-NJ’s Community Planning Assistance Program.   Our goal is to provide volunteer planning support to municipalities and community-based organizations in New Jersey.  

The types of issues that could be addressed in the program include; developing vision plans, housing needs assessment, environmental planning, site planning, local transportation plans or traffic circulation studies, parking strategies, transit oriented development and redevelopment conceptual plans, developing a planning process, guidance on neighborhood-based plans, economic development initiatives, and recreation needs.

We have successfully completed dozens of  community-driven plans throughout New Jersey. You can see a brief description of these below.

If you have any questions or need more information, I encourage you to contact me.

 CPAP Projects & Updates

Bradley Beach

posted on October 20th, 2012 in CP Assistance Program

The Borough of Bradley Beach sought planning assistance to explore economic and design issues in support of revitalizing its Main Street commercial corridor. The central business district has traditionally thrived based on its rich variety of restaurant offerings, which attract a regional audience on a year round basis. However, that pattern has eroded in recent years, and the district is in need of new strategies for its economic survival.

City Planning In Schools

posted on August 31st, 2012 in CP Assistance Program

CPAP volunteers have initiated and run several efforts to introduce Newark public school students to the basic of city planning and how it can lead to positive changes in their neighborhoods. A major goal was to train students in assessing the strengths and weaknesses in their communities and the appropriate process for creating changes in their neighborhoods.

Maurice River Township

posted on July 17th, 2012 in CP Assistance Program

The CPAP workshop was designed as a two-day intensive work session. During the first day the planning team toured the municipality and attempted to characterize the critical issues facing the Township. In the evening of the first day the team conducted a public meeting to review and seek verification of its conclusions from the Township’s residents, elected and appointed officials. On day two of the workshop, the team was tasked with devising strategies the Township should consider to respond to the identified issues. These recommendations were presented in a second public meeting on the evening of day 2.