CM Request Form

Thank you for your interest in obtaining AICP Certificate Maintenance credits (CM) for your event.  In order for American Planning Association – New Jersey Chapter (APA-NJ or “Chapter”) to consider partnerships on events seeking CM, the rules governing submission are put in place to ensure the event meets the standards set forth by the AICP Commission. Please review and consider the following list before submitting requests for APA-NJ’s consideration:

  1. Rules dictate that the entity submitting the event for CM must take part in the planning of it. Therefore, APA-NJ’s policy is that it be a partner in the planning process of your event. APA-NJ involvement will vary based on subject matter and will be at the discretion of the Professional Development Officer for Continuing Education.
  2. The APA-NJ logo must be included on all event marketing materials.  
  3. A detailed event description, including with speaker bios and session times, is required for CM submission.
  4. Any organization requesting partnership must complete the submission form.  Please note that all event descriptions should answer the following questions:
    1. How will the event offer a professionally relevant learning experience for a planner (e.g. for a planner with at least 2 years of experience)?
    2. How does this event meet a specific-planning related training objective?
    3. What are the specific training objectives? What do you want attendees to learn from this event?
  5. Certification Maintenance credits take up to 3 weeks to be approved by the American Planning Association.  A request for credits should be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the event.
  6. FEES:  For groups who are not charging a registration fee for attendees, the Chapter offers complimentary CM processing up to 5 credits. For groups who charge a registration fee, there is a $20 administrative fee per credit.  A marketing booth and/or other partnerships can be requested in lieu of the monetary requirement at the discretion of the Professional Development Officer for Continuing Education.  Invoices will be sent after the approval process is complete.
  7. The Professional Development Officer for Continuing Education has the right to deny a request for partnership.

In addition to submitting the program for CM, APA-NJ will advertise the event through its online and email notification system.

For additional questions, please contact Christopher Brown, P.P., AICP, LEED-GA at

CM Request Form

Please complete all the sections below.

  • Organization, business, group requesting CM credits.
  • Please clearly describe the planning-related educational objective that this training achieves (e.g., what AICP members will learn). Note that the content must be designed to teach subject matter in appropriate depth and scope for the level of a typical AICP member (e.g., a planner with at least two years of experience).
  • Please list all instructors/speakers as well as their bios.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.