Representing Morris, Hunterdon, Somerset, Sussex and Warren Counties
Message from your Northwest Area Rep., Eric Snyder, PP, AICP
The northwest region of offers a wide range of living, working and playing opportunities. Ranging from Morristown and Somerville as urban regional centers to hamlets like Beemerville and Townsbury in Sussex and Warren Counties, one may chose from a menu that is both wide and deep. We have farmlands, parks and forests, trails to hike, bike, run and ride, pristine lakes and streams to fish, swim and paddle along with the mighty Delaware along the western border of the region. We have business and industry and the most heavily traveled interstate highway in the country along with many lesser interstate and state highways. We have art and culture and are a hop, skip and a jump from two of the greatest cities in the world, New York and Philadelphia. From a wide range of options naturally comes a wide range of planning issues that must be addressed by business and government together.
The past few years have not been kind to the region. The economy and a faltering state planning framework have left us in the planning profession trying to hold our ground. As the federal and state governments have reduced their roles in addressing comprehensively the need for and the impact of development it has become necessary for counties and municipalities to deal with statewide and interstate issues like transportation, housing and recreation. With the depth of talent and experience in this region, I would like to work with the membership of the Northwest Region to expand the level of citizen understanding regarding certain actions and the costs of inaction.
Please contact me with your suggestions for ways we can be more effective as professionals and educators.